Brazed Carbide Step Mills
Step Mills on customer drawings, in brazed carbide or HSS, with or without coolant holes, 2 or 3 cutting profiles, straight or helical. Coating is possible, depending on the material to be machined.
Complex profile drills
Complex profile brazed carbide drills, for machining centres and transfer machines.
Turning recessing tools
Turning recessing tools on drawing, brazed carbide or solid carbide, construction with different shafts is possible, coating is possible, depending on the material to be machined.
Brazed carbide Disc Mills
Disk mills on drawing, brazed carbide, with alternated teeth, surface coating depending on the material to be machined.
T-slot milling cutters
T-slot milling cutters customer design, brazed carbide , HSS or solid carbide, possibility of construction with different shafts, coating is possible depending on the material to be machined.
Mills for brass watermeter housings
Mills for brass watermeter housings, on drawing, brazed carbide. Sharpening of cutting edge is performed exclusively with grinding wheels, never with EDM.
Special Mills on drawing
Mills on drawing, brazed carbide, with ISO 50 clamping, for valves body machining.
Bell mills for outside machining
Bell mills for outside machining on drawing, brazed carbide or solid carbide, possible coating depending on the material to be machined.
Disc mills
Disc mills on drawing, brazed carbide or solid carbide, construction with different shafts is possible, also coating is possible depending on the material to be machined.
Helical end mills
Helical mills on drawing, brazed carbide or solid carbide, possible coating depending on the material to be machined.
Polygon turning tools
Polygon turning tools on drawing, brazed carbide or solid carbide possible coating depending on the material to be machined.
Helical drill bits for lead free brass
Helical brazed carbide drill bits on drawing for lead-free brass machining (CW511, Eco brass).
Brazed carbide drills on drawing
Brazed carbide drills on drawing, it is possible to have coolant holes and guide lining to optimize the degree of finish.
Solid carbide step drills on drawing
Solid carbide step drills on customer drawing, with or without coolant holes, coating depending on the material to be machined.

The products are designed and manufactured by Uberti Cutting Tools
© Uberti Cutting Tools S.r.l. | Via dell’Industria, 52/54 – 25039 Travagliato (BS)
C.F. e P.Iva IT03603230982 | Tel +39 030 7703180 | Fax +39 030 7701197 |